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September 06, 2024 -Friday


Tuesday 18/07/2023

KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 (Bernama) -- It was yet again another masterstroke by the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) as one of its flagship programmes, the Malaysian Wood Expo (MWE) 2023, concluded on a high note, leaving an indelible mark on the timber industry while sparking a wave of innovation and collaboration.

Jointly organised by MTC and Pablo Publishing and Exhibition Pte Ltd, MWE 2023, which was held from 18-20 June 2023 at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC), surpassed expectations and did better on all counts, generating far more sales than its debut trade show back in 2019.

MWE's sales in 2023 reached an impressive RM182.5 million, marking a significant increase compared to its sales of approximately RM140 million in 2019.

With over 3,000 visitors and 124 local and international exhibitors, MWE 2023’s sales achievement was largely driven by its Incoming Buying Mission (IBM) which was one of the major highlights of the Expo where it garnered sales of RM147.8 million. The IBM, which was conducted in collaboration with MATRADE, involved 88 buyers from 23 countries. A total of 773 business meetings took place during the IBM.

Another “stellar performer” was MTC’s Inbound Overseas Suppliers Programme where 21 companies placed orders worth RM6.4 million for raw materials under this programme while MWE 2023 exhibitors recorded sales of RM28.3 million.

Expressing his satisfaction with the Expo's remarkable success, Tuan Haji Zainal Abidin Haji Abdullah, Chairman of the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC), said MWE has proven to be a lucrative platform for business networking and trade opportunities.

“We couldn’t be prouder of our achievements which have far surpassed our previous success. We made a promise that MWE 2023 would offer greater opportunities for our visitors, buyers, and exhibitors. I believe we have delivered on that promise,” said Tuan Haji Zainal.

He added that the success of MWE 2023 reflects how the timber industry is gaining momentum globally with stakeholders putting forward strong investment plans which is also creating demand for Malaysian-made products.

MWE 2023 was officiated by the Deputy Minister of Plantation and Commodities YB Datuk Hajah Siti Aminah Aching on behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Plantation and Commodities YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof. Also present at the opening ceremony were Secretary-General of the Ministry of Plantation and Commodities YBhg. Dato’ Haji Mad Zaidi Mohd Karli, Ambassadors, Trade Commissioners and other dignitaries. 

“I am delighted to see the robust comeback of MWE just a year after Malaysia re-opened its borders following the pandemic. Expos like MWE play a crucial role in bringing together global industry players to offer new solutions and concrete business opportunities for the advancement of the timber industry,” said YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof in his speech which was read by YB Datuk Hajah Siti Aminah Aching. 

MWE 2023 showcased raw materials and wood products such as wooden flooring, mouldings, doors, door frames and windows, panel products as well as woodworking machinery such as cutting tools, combined machines, dust collection equipment, edge-banding materials and machines, handling equipment, abrasives, adhesives, coatings, timber-related equipment, and furniture production software, among others.

MTC also offered special incentives for the purchase of machinery which included material handling equipment and software technologies. A total of RM26.12 million in sales was generated through this programme, surpassing the figures achieved in 2019.

“Much of the machinery and material handling equipment were purchased from local as well as overseas exhibitors with brands originating from China, Germany, Denmark and Taiwan,” said MTC CEO Madam Noraihan Abdul Rahman. She further highlighted that the software technologies acquired comprise ERP, MWE, MOM, IoT system integration and software for custom-made furniture.

Apart from the IBM and IOSP programmes, MTC also held 16 pocket talk sessions with key industry experts as speakers. Sharing the platform for knowledge-sharing was the  International Tropical Timber Organisation-Global Green Supply Chains (ITTO-GGSC) which conducted an engaging seminar titled “Global Timber Index (GTI) for the Malaysian Timber Industry”.

A Media Familiarisation Programme was also conducted concurrently with the Expo providing participants with a first-hand experience of the Malaysian timber industry from its forest management practices to its manufacturing and trade aspects. 

MWE 2023’s success will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and development of the Malaysian timber sector, fostering economic opportunities and reinforcing Malaysia's reputation as a leading player in the international timber market. 

1. - MTC Chairman Tuan Haji Zainal Abidin Haji Abdullah delivering his welcoming remarks.
2. - Deputy Minister of Plantation and Commodities YB Datuk Hajah Siti Aminah Aching delivering the speech of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Plantation and Commodities YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof.
3. - YB Datuk Hajah Siti Aminah Aching at one of the machinery exhibitor’s booths.
4. - The Buying Mission recorded sales of RM147.8 million 

About the Malaysian Timber Council
The Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) was established in January 1992 to promote the development and growth of the Malaysian timber industry globally. MTC's main objectives are to promote the Malaysian timber trade and develop the market for timber products globally, to promote the development of the industry by upgrading the industry's manufacturing technology base, to augment the supply of raw materials, to provide information services and to protect and improve the Malaysian timber industry's global image. Further information on the Council’s activities can be obtained from

Issued by the Malaysian Timber Council

SOURCE: Malaysian Timber Council

Name: Ms. Lau Li Har
Strategic Planning & Corporate Communications Division (SPCD) 
Tel: 03-9281 1999, Ext: 700

Name: Ms. Sharmila V
Strategic Planning & Corporate Communications Division (SPCD)
Tel:  03-9281 1999, Ext: 702



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